Saturday, January 3, 2015

The best blood pressure monitors of 2015

Finding the best blood pressure monitors of 2015 is not an easy job, and you can end up looking infinitely and never finding the best product that you need. Before getting to the actual list, I want to share a short story. The other day, my grandma came into my room and she asked me "How do I find the best blood pressure monitor?" She thought that just browsing the Internet was enough, that things will just pop up in your window when you enter the words "The best blood pressure monitors of 2015". Obviously, that was a misconception, and I had to explain to her that you need previous knowledge on the matter before even attempting to compile a list with these monitors. The blood pressure monitor is an important device for those who are suffering for various cardiac disorders and for those who wish to keep their heart pressure in check.

A blood pressure monitor that's used at the right time can prevent dreadful diseases like hypertension. The question "Which is the best blood pressure" could have multiple answers, according to its features and specifications. There are two types of blood pressure monitors: automatic and electronic. If you are not really qualified to use a standard medical blood pressure, I strongly advise you to go for the digital one. Of course, the conventional blood pressure monitors are more reliable, but if you're not really trained to use them, you may get hasty results. Also, there are two types of blood pressure monitors: the ones that are placed on the wrist and the one that are placed on the arm. As you may know by know, the ones placed on the wrist are not necessarily the best, and if you want the exact pressure you should go for the ones placed on the arm. Quality standards are also important, and if you are planning to get a good blood pressure monitor, you should at least check to see if it comes with the proper manuals, warranty and quality certificates. Don't get yourself blinded by the price and take your time to look for the best option in your price range. Some blood pressure monitors can also detect cardiac arrhythmias, and if you are interested about this particular factor, you should also look for this feature in the feature list. Let's begin the list:
Healthy Line SHL-888GA blood pressure monitor
Healthy Line SHL-888GA blood pressure monitor
This is an automatic/digital blood pressure monitor that comes with all the basic functions. The internal memory will store up to 60 entries.
Joycare de Brat blood pressure monitor
Joycare de Brat blood pressure monitor
As you may have guessed by know, this device features an OMS scale, it can detect cardiac arrhythmia and it has an easy-to-read LCD display that can be used by anyone, even by older people that are not necessarily found of technology.
Beurer BM35 blood pressure monitor
Beurer BM35 blood pressure monitor This device has an adaptive sensor that is place on your arm (and not on the wrist). Just like the conventional monitors, it will blow once you push a button. Besides the usual feature, it also has a special function that allows you to monitor the history, it has cardiac arrhythmia detection function and it has great reviews on most websites.

There are many such devices on the market, and compiling a list based on multiple reviews with the best of them will take endless time for me to write and probably endless time for you to read. All you have to know at this point is that these are the best I've encountered so far, they can be found in most online stores at affordable prices and you don't have to be a medic in order to use them. If you have any questions or problems regarding the list, don't be afraid to ask. I will try to answer as soon as possible. Which one is your favorite of these three?


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